The Importance of Showing Up for Yourself Unapologetically

Show Up For Yourself Without Apology

To SHOW UP means to open up, to be present, to be there in the moment. 

Showing up is being present and available—mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. And mastery is the result of showing up.

Now imagine the last time you didn’t want to get out of bed, or you were dreading that deadline or that difficult conversation. Recall how you had to drag yourself into action, resisting the dark feelings and thoughts along the way.

Maybe you were available and present, and maybe you showed up hiding within yourself, cowering behind a façade of good posture, false smile, and a firm handshake, desperately seeking the appearance of control, assurance, and ease. 

But did you really show up? Or were you faking it?

What Showing Up Means

Showing up for yourself is not about how you present yourself to others.

In fact, if your focus is outside yourself, you have not arrived. 

Showing up is about vulnerability, and it’s about the rawest of raw you. 

When you show up fully, you have dropped your external garb, the layers upon layers of protection around your heart and mind. 

When you show up, you are making your inner self available to the moment, to the people around you, and to life itself. 

You are making yourself available to you. 

You are fully alert to the moment, present, and participatory.

It is Through Showing Up for Life That We Learn Who We are at Our Core.

Not showing up unapologetically is limiting your impact.

It is time to be unapologetically yourself.

You are being called to show up now more than ever. To play all-out to share your medicine with the world.  To show up wholly, not hiding or fragmented.  To co-create and tap into an existing flow. To step fully into your power, regardless of any doubt or resistance. To raise your standards. To ask for and receive your worth.  To open to greater wealth by leveraging your value.

Consider the Ways you’re Not Showing Up Unapologetically, and Then Claim your Space. 

>>When energy moves through you, rather than harnessing it, you suppress it. 

You’re blocking your power if you use whatever energy is coming through you to silence yourself or stifle a desire. Instead, ask the energy what it wants, and flow with it.

Strong impulses and emotions are messages from the Universe. 

>>When you judge or deny your body’s needs. 

Showing up for yourself comes in many forms — be it devoting uninhibited time to honing your highest business vision or to your well-being. 

Today I showed up for my well-being and inner peace. I honored the sacredness of this space by not allowing external bids for attention (texts, emails) to interfere.

I could have judged this time as unproductive or lazy, but instead, I honored it fully.

It’s so important to clarify your boundaries and put a container around time spent showing up for others versus yourself. 

Whereas we often associate rest with self-care, PLAY is equally important.

What is your body telling you? What does it need?

It takes as much if not more energy to override your body’s needs as it does to obey.  

>>When you’re physically “there,” but you’re not whole-heartedly present for whatever arises at the moment. 

I’ll share one of my favorite sayings spoken by one of my best friend, Beverly Adamo to illustrate an example of this: “Don’t have the conversation before you have the conversation.” 

If you’re always anticipating what the other person will say, you’re not listening with your heart. You’re not showing up for them, or for yourself (and it’s because you’re resisting the vulnerability of being present for what is so). 

If you’re not fully present — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — for your life or your “work” in this world, not only will it be felt, it will hinder growth. 

Showing up means dropping the layers upon layers of protection around your heart and mind.

When we truly show up, that’s when the magic happens. 

>>When you put a higher value on the “shoulds” than your desire… where your deepest power really resides. 

What this might look like: overcompensating at work to earn more money or validation, or compulsively ticking off every box on your to-do list of “shoulds.” 

Meanwhile, you may be undermining the value of your genuine relationships, which can oftentimes lead to our greatest, heart-centered business opportunities and money.

Some of your greatest business creations will come through relationships — be they partners, supporters, or clients. 

Taking the time to tune into your desire (read: pleasure), and allowing yourself space for genuine connection with your favorite people, you could find yourself much more productive than what ticking off your grindy to-do’s might’ve offered.

>>When you don’t ask for your value. 

Showing up for yourself is owning your worth and receiving it.

Money is a pathway to support your mission. 

Showing up means owning your worth, embodying it at a cellular level, and then opening to receive it. 

The world needs your impact RIGHT NOW. 

How can you lean in and show up unapologetically at this moment?

So let me know in the comments below…

What are your biggest blocks to making the money you KNOW you deserve to make? 

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